Sovereign Digital Identity
Biographical Data
Facial Biometrics
Finger Prints
Iris Biometrics
Password / PIN
Digital Signature
Technology Advantages
Integrity, Authenticity and Non- repudiation

Digital / Electronic/ Mobile / Printed Valid

Economic / Printable (passing printing cost to the citizen ) Carrier does not require special equipment

Biometrics: Avoid Impersonation of Idenity

Highest Encryption on the Market (RSA 8,192 bits ECC 256 bits)

Does not require internet connectivity

Does not require a database query

Verifiable through an app available in physical and digital format

Legal Equity: You are not an ID in BD

Savings in high availability infrastructure

Sovereign Data Storage
(web version responsive)
Web Services
(RESTful, on premise/cloud)
Generation API for mobile applications
This can be distributed in multiple ways (via email, instant messaging, etc.), plus it has a wide choice of publication formats.
Printable Credential Format
Digital Credential
Mobile Credential
Physical Credential
Electronic Credential
Validation SDK compatible with Standard QR Readers
Validation Without Database
Validation Without Connectivity
Decentralized Validation Processing
Multiplatform Web, iOS, Android, Windows and Linux
Compatible with Standard QR Reader Devices on the market
Compatible with Passport Reader Devices
Use of HSM FIPS 140 level 2 or higher
Asymmetric Encryption with the highest level in the market with Double Key RSA 8192 bits
Double Encryption level for sensitive data with AES 256 bits
Signature with elliptic curve ECC 256 bits
Encrypted Communications towards the generation and validation API in addition to TLS through crossed keys up to RSA 8192 bits in conjunction with AES 256 bits
Certified by the National Cryptographic Center of Spain (file 2021-11)
Offline SDK with Passive and Active Security
Obfuscated, encrypted and assembled code with active monitoring for hostile environment and malicious behavior
Use of Blockchain Methodology

The application is available for iOS and Android

This allows third parties to verify a person's identity and make a biometric comparison to prevent identity theft.

This allows a person to associate their sovereign digital identity with different credentials, as well as the self-verification of said identity.

This ensures physical and digital access control through autonomous biometric verification for digital access (log-in) is no longer necessary to remember passwords.
The application is available for iOS and Android

This allows third parties to verify a person's identity and make a biometric comparison to prevent identity theft.

This allows a person to associate their sovereign digital identity with different credentials, as well as the self-verification of said identity.

This ensures physical and digital access control through autonomous biometric verification for digital access (log-in) is no longer necessary to remember passwords.

Certifications and Intellectual Property